What is Ayurveda?

Ayurveda dates back 5,000 years to the ancient Sanskrit texts, the Vedas. Ayurveda’s roots come from ancient India, where it evolved as a complete health-care system along side of it’s sister-science, Yoga.

Yoga means “union” in Sanskrit, and Ayurveda translates to “the wisdom of life.” When explored together, these practices complement each other by offering us transformative tools that foster greater health and vitality. Integrating Ayurvedic principles into your yoga practice can create a deeper, richer experience on the mat that you can take with you off the mat as well. 

Ayurveda teaches that humans are governed by the same laws of nature as the universe we inhabit. A main focus of Ayurveda is to live in harmony with the rhythms of nature.

When we align with nature’s daily and seasonal rhythms we, too, become more balanced. An Ayurvedic approach to health includes adopting simple diet and lifestyle habits that can prevent initial imbalances from occurring as well as enhancing an individual’s ability to heal.

By becoming more self aware and returning to a balanced state, an Ayurvedic lifestyle supports an individual’s ability to heal, transform, and establish physical and mental well-being.