Enjoy these videos and other online resources.


The Complete Breath

Kripalu faculty member and RISE facilitator, Janna Delgado, guides us through the Complete Breath — a practice that is helpful when feeling anxious or stressed and will help you continue with your day feeling centered and present. All you need is a chair.


How to Lead a Classic Kripalu Pranayama Sequence

In this video designed for yoga teachers and experienced practitioners, Kripalu Lead Faculty Janna Delgado offers instructions and demonstrations for leading and practicing four different breathing techniques: Dirgha, Ujjayi, Kapalabhati, and Nadi Shodhana. Click video to watch.

Beginner Yoga

Beginner's Yoga with Janna Delgado

CE Workshop | Applications of Scientific Research on Yoga in Schools and Students of All Ages

Janna Delgado participated in this final event of the Scientific Research on Yoga in Schools series which features a panel discussion facilitated by wellness expert Kim Weeks.

15-Minute Standing Series

RISE Facilitators Janna Delgado and Andy Cahill guide us through a 15-minute standing series designed to increase energy when you're feeling sluggish. You don't need any props.

Body Tapping

RISE Facilitators Janna Delgado and Andy Cahill lead us through an experience of body tapping. Body tapping supports clarity by increasing circulation so you can quickly and easily refresh your body and mind if your energy is low.

Joint Opening Exercises

RISE Facilitators Andy Cahill and Janna Delgado lead us through a series of joint opening exercises. These movements are designed to support calm by releasing physical tension and enhance clarity by increasing body awareness.


Enjoy these blog posts and articles below.

yoga journal Article: 4 circulation-boosting yoga moves

Cramped from sitting all day during the coronavirus shutdown? Give your back some love (and alleviate pain) with this satisfying practice for spinal mobility.

Holding the Pose: A Q&A with Janna Delgado

Kripalu Yoga teacher, Ayurvedic Yoga Specialist, and senior faculty member Janna Delgado answers questions about the practice of yoga, exercises for the feet, and yoga-class etiquette.

Turning Point Q&A with Janna Delgado

Janna Delgado, BFA, E-RYT 500, combines her training as a Kripalu Yoga teacher, Ayurvedic Yoga Specialist, and AFAA-certified fitness instructor with her background in acting to create meaningful collective experiences of yoga on the mat and out in the world.

Get Grounded with Mountain Pose

How we stand, literally—with our feet on the ground—can have a huge impact on how we feel. When we align ourselves and ground in Mountain pose, we access the qualities of stability, balance, and strength.